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Press Room

IPRA's latest news and notifications

IPRA echoes the UN’s Finlandia Declaration on press freedom

At a World Press Freedom Day conference in Helsinki, media practitioners, representatives of governments and civil society adopted the “Finlandia Declaration,” calling on UNESCO’s 195 Member States to “reaffirm that press freedom and the right to information are essential for a free, independent and pluralistic media and crucial to the advancement of human rights and sustainable development.”

Message from the IPRA President: Are you among the best in Public relations? May 2016

Make yourself a golden PR person.

IPRA showcases UN’s 66th NGO conference

As the UN prepares for its next NGO Conference, IPRA board member Jim McQueeny from the United States helped showcase on his New York television show this upcoming global conference which takes place in Korea from 30 May to 1 June. The conference will have 48 workshops with expert speakers on various topics revolving around education for global citizenship and the UN sustainable development goals.

IPRA President remembers the Florence Flood of 1966

IPRA 2016 President, Bart de Vries, will speak on the topic of the Florence Flood of 50 years ago, at an event this week in Milan, Italy.

Iceland To Host Global PR Summit June 2016

PR experts from Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Tate Museum, Weber Shandwick and VISA are scheduled to present at the Global PR Summit Iceland, taking place from 9-10 June 2016 in Reykjavik. The event is endorsed by IPRA.

Message from the President of IPRA - October 2015

We have enriched our knowledge with the insightful contributions of the invited speakers, as well as with the sharing of best practice.

Message from the President of IPRA - June 2015

In past messages I have described the importance of leadership (a key point in our World Congress in Johannesburg in September), organisational change, and the role of culture and reputation. I will now address some of the roots of misunderstanding and how that may lead to the need for Crisis Management.

Message from the President of IPRA - May 2015

The build from image to reputation starts with fact, adds in imagination, and ends with trust. 

Message from the President of IPRA - March 2015

These last two months have passed with good news from the organising team for the IPRA World Congress in September and theGolden World Awards 2015. As in any event of this kind, we are working on coordination and details on multiple logistical aspects so that the results exceed the expectation of the speakers, guests, entrants and attendees.

Message from IPRA President 2015, February

We start this year with plenty of vitality and energy, none more so than was reflected in our January board meeting in London. That meeting proposed, defined and agreed the main lines of action that we will carry out in 2015. Not the least of which is of course the World Congress to be held in Johannesburg in September: ipra.org/congress

Message fom the President of IPRA, January 2015

My administration will be characterised by a continuous concern for preserving the identity and ethical cornerstones of our institution and by the eagerness to reach and exceed the standards of quality and excellency already achieved by my predecessors.

Farewell statement of IPRA President 2014

Every beginning has an end; every duty requires a change of the guard. This year has come to an end in the blink of an eye as far as I am concerned, and it is time to hand on my responsibilities.

X Anniversary International PR Forum will take place in Kazakhstan

IPRA and Public Relations community stakeholders of Kazakhstan are delighted to announce and invite all IPRA members to join the X Anniversary International PR Forum that will take place on June 3-5, 2014 in the picturesque city of Almaty.

Message from IPRA President 2014

In 2014 I will be focusing on member relations and the recruitment of new members for IPRA. 2014 will be a year of “empathy” for IPRA.

Message of IPRA President, December 2014

Communication could be described as the art of collecting. It is about collecting relations, it is about collecting knowledge and it is about collecting friendships.

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