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Press Office’s campaign ‘BASF Start-Up Science’ scoops the IPRA Golden World Global Contribution Award 2021

The Global Contribution Award is given for PR with an objective of meeting one of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. The 2021 winner is Serbian agency Press Office on behalf of their client BASF. The brilliant campaign ‘BASF Start-Up Science’ addressed a Western Balkans issue of severe air pollution from outdated coal plants, old domestic heating systems, and smoke-emitting cars. The BASF project inspired young innovators and scientists from the region to fight air pollution. The project met several of the UN’s sustainable development goals including good health and clean energy.

Invitation to an IPRA webinar on cyber security: 11 November

I am pleased to invite you to the next in the series of IPRA Thought Leadership webinars. The webinar Cyber security: insights and implications for public relations by Volker Pulskamp, senior vice president and partner, FleishmanHillard, Germany on Thursday 11 November 2021 at 12.00 GMT/UCT (unadjusted). 

Message from the IPRA President: The social media black-out October 2021

I hope you and your loved ones are well. It's October already and I, for one, didn't see September fly by. Just a couple of days ago, 2.89 billion users of Facebook, 1.38 billion users of Instagram and about 2 billion WhatsApp users were cut off from their favorite social platform. Companies and organisations worldwide could not communicate internally via their Workplace environment (including employees of Facebook themselves). Tens of thousands of live stream events, influencer gigs and mobile commerce bots were affected. CEO Mark Zuckerberg lost about $6 billion off of his net worth in the hours following the crash.

Did you enter the GWA? Do you do business in the East? Then send the same entry to the Eventiada IPRA GWA

Did you make a 2021 GWA Entry that covered one of the markets in Eastern Europe, Russia, CIS or Central Asia? If yes you can enter the same entry again. Our regional partner, Eventiada IPRA GWA, the largest PR & Communications award in Eastern Europe and Central Asia is open for entries. Campaigns must be in the English language and cover 1 September 2020 to 1 September 2021. Why not show to the whole PR world who is the best in the region!

IPRA 2020 Global Contribution Award for “Soap with Dots” delivered in Vienna

Today, 24 September 2021, in a belated ceremony in Vienna, Svetlana Stavreva, the 2020 president and member of the board of IPRA, presented the Global Contribution Award, a special prize within the 2020 Golden World Awards, to the director of the Apriori World agency, Danijel Koletić.


Invitation to an IPRA webinar on relationship management: 14 October

I am pleased to invite you to the next in the series of IPRA Thought Leadership webinars. The webinar PR for today’s world: relationship management of multiple stakeholders by Dr Takashi Inoue, Chairman & CEO of Inoue Public Relations, Japan on Thursday 14 October 2021 at 12.00 GMT/UCT (unadjusted).

Message from the IPRA President: A call to action September 2021

Allow me to update you on the UNESCO International Declaration of Communications Professionals and Researchers for a Healthier, Viable, Better World. You will recall that we announced in February IPRA is a signatory to the above declaration. Seven months on, we see that the fourth wave of covid -19 is rolling across the planet with new resistant variants, and floods and fires are all too common. This second decade of the century seems to be one of an out-of-control planetary crisis. 

Invitation to an IPRA webinar on effective SMS for PR: 9 September

I am pleased to invite you to the next in the series of IPRA Thought Leadership webinars. The webinar SMS: the most effective way to communicate a message will be presented by Alain Grossbard, a former Board Member of RMIT University Academic Board, Australia on Thursday 9 September 2021 at 12.00 GMT/UCT (13.00 British Summer Time).

PR campaigns on Romanian Hygge and chasing the sunrise are among the winners of the 2021 IPRA Golden World Awards

The IPRA Golden World Awards for Excellence (GWA): the world’s most prestigious PR awards scheme, announces today a total of 93 winners for 2021. Many entries tackled health issues including responses to covid-19, while others were about turning previously live events into virtual ones.

Message from the IPRA President: Over the horizon July August 2021

For many of us, July and August are usually when we start making plans for vacations. We look forward to discovering new cultures, enjoying nature or simply spending time with friends and family. Unfortunately, both the pandemic and the climate crisis have affected many, if not all, of us. The rise in covid-19 cases around the world, the terrible floodas in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands, the largest wildfire ever recorded in the United States ... one could think that the world is out of control.

IPRA co-operates with The International Association for the Measurement and Evaluation of Communication (AMEC)

IPRA, the International Public Relations Association, has signed a partnership agreement with The International Association for the Measurement and Evaluation of Communication (AMEC). Under the agreement, inter alia, the organisations will exchange information, share publications and help promote the ethical development of the PR profession.

Invitation to an IPRA webinar on public affairs: 8 July

I am pleased to invite you to the next in the series of IPRA Thought Leadership webinars. The webinar Twin peaks: the overlap between public affairs and public relations will be presented by Andras Baneth, managing director of the European Office of the US-based Public Affairs Council, on Thursday 8 July 2021 at 12.00 GMT/UCT (13.00 British Summer Time).

Message from the IPRA President: A month of opposites June 2021

It’s already June. A month of opposites as it contains the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, the day with the most daylight hours, and the winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere, the day with the fewest daylight hours. For many of us, it is a time when we plan our holiday break and are looking forward to spending more time with family and friends. Unfortunately, even as vaccination programmes take effect, the pandemic has not left us. 

2021 IPRA Golden World Awards entries hit record levels

The pandemic may not be over, but PR is back. This is the message being sent loud and clear by the global public relations industry keen to showcase the very best of their work. The IPRA Golden World Awards for Excellence (GWA), the world’s most prestigious PR awards competition, has just closed its entry window for 2021. And entries have surged not only above the tough year of 2020 but to reach a 5-year record.

Anne van der Meiden In Memoriam

IPRA pays its respects to Prof Anne van der Meiden who has died at the age of 91. Anne was a long-standing Board member of IPRA, a member of the IPRA Advisory Committee of Educators in the 1980s, and latterly a Member Emeritus. He was a major contributor to the 1982 IPRA Gold Paper A model for public relations education for professional practice and an editor of the paper’s 1990 revision. He led PR seminars in Europe and Africa in the 1980s and represented IPRA at the first World meeting of public relations professors in Montevideo in 1983.

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