YK Chung In Memoriam
2 years, 7 months ago
IPRA pays its respects to Yung Kai Chung (YK) who has died at the age of 97. YK was a long-standing member of IPRA having joined in 1985. He contributed to the first report of the growth of PR in Taiwan to the IPRA board and council meeting held in Chicago in 2000.
YK also served on the IPRA board in 2013 – 14 and attended the Paris board meeting at the splendid age of 88, thus establishing an unbeaten record as IPRA’s oldest serving board member. At that meeting he was keen to help expand the concept of IPRA chapters in the Asian region.
Following 14 years practicing PR in the public sector, in the 1990s YK was president of Noec Corporation, and a managing partner of Worldcomm Taiwan, before taking up the role as director of the Foundation for PR Research and Education in 2000. He also taught PR and marketing for over 20 years and became an associate professor at Shih Hsin, Taiwan’s leading university for journalism and communication.
Besides IPRA, YK was a former board member of the Chinese PR Association, a member of the American-Taiwan Chamber of Commerce, and a member of the Chinese Institute of Public Opinion.
YK is perhaps best remembered simply for his passion for public relations spanning not just decades but generations.
Yung Kai Chung FIPRA
1925 – 2022