Sixth All Africa International Public Relations Congress
11 years, 10 months ago
The International Public Relations Association (IPRA) has the pleasure to invite all Public Relations practitioners and Public Relations consultants to the beautiful city of Kampala, Uganda to attend the 6th All Africa International Public Relations Congress, put together by International Public Relations Association, African Public Relations Association, The Management School, London and BEEC International.
The congress will be held at the Kampala Serena Hotel, Kampala, Uganda from 8th to 11th July 2013. Previous IPRA International Public Relations Congresses held in Kenya, Ghana,
The Gambia and South Africa were very successful and we are optimistic tha tthe Uganda Congress in 2013 will be an outstanding success.
The congress has firmly established itself as the world-class event for the development and updating of Public Relations Managers and Public Affairs officials. The International Public Relations Congress is held annually and the theme of the 2013 edition is “Strategic Public Relations Thinking, Planning and Value Added PR Delivery”.
We are in the era of digital communication. IPRA recognises the power of Public Relations and their key roles in driving organisational success. The Public Relations function as a strategic partner occupies the centre stage before, during and after an organisational development programme.
The 6th All Africa Public Relations Congress has a line-up of world-class Public Relations and communication experts to address currentand future Public Relations and Communication issues. Participants will update their strategic PR thinking, share experience on latest development in the profession and equip themselves for strategic added value delivery of public relations services.
This is a congress that will emphasize the strategic roles of Public Relations. It promises to be a very rewarding congress. I will be at the congress to welcome you. Let us also go to Kampala, Uganda. We assure you of the Ugandan hospitality.
We look forward to welcoming you in Uganda.
Yours sincerely,
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