PR campaigns on vaccinations from Pakistan and Peru join the winners of the 2017 IPRA Golden World Awards while Japan goes all sniffy
7 years, 8 months ago
The GWA 2017 jury relax after a
The IPRA Golden World Awards for Excellence (GWA): the world's most prestigious PR awards scheme, announces a total of 61 winners for 2017. Two entries from diverse geographies both addressed cultural resistance to vaccination
Last weekend the IPRA judges flew into Belgrade, Serbia to make their final decisions. The jury comprised judges from all over the world
"This year the competition had brilliant creativity", explains Bart de Vries, IPRA's President and one of the judges, "we all laughed at a Japanese campaign
Last weekend the IPRA GWA judges flew
“This year the competition had brilliant creativity,” explains Bart de Vries, IPRA’s President and one of the judges, "We all laughed at a Japanese campaign Mr. Sniff which dared to address the sensitive issue of bad breath. And a Russian campaign turned breakfast cereal into good deeds."
The prestigious Grand Prix was also chosen but the judges have been sworn to secrecy. Along with the UN award for PR with an objective of meeting one of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals, the Grand Prix will be announced at the Golden World Awards Gala Dinner in Sofia, Bulgaria on 13th October 2017. "I look forward to meeting all 61 winners in Sofia", adds Bart de Vries.
Background to IPRA
IPRA, the International Public Relations Association, is the leading global network for Public Relations professionals. Membership is
Background to the Golden World Awards for Excellence.
The annual IPRA Golden World Awards (GWA) initiative, established in 1990, recognizes excellence in public relations practice worldwide in a variety of categories. Recipients of the award take particular pride in the recognition granted to their entry as meeting international standards of excellence in public relations. An overall IPRA Grand Prix for Excellence is presented each year to the entry judged as representing the highest standards that year. While there are many national and regional PR awards, there is only one truly global scheme: the GWA.
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