New direction for IPRA and its members
12 years, 2 months ago
The rise of the internet and the advent of social media have forced organisations across the world to rethink the way they operate. Membership associations like IPRA are no exception. During meetings in 2012 and more recently in Paris last week the Board of IPRA has been working on plans that will help us to move forward. Here in brief is where we heading.
- We will shortly be announcing a new membership structure which acknowledges the different ways in which individuals wish to engage with IPRA
- Recognizing the need to need to increase non-membership income we will add focus to marketing the GWA -we would encourage you to take part - you can't win if you don't!
- The 2013 President, Christophe Ginisty has set himself the task of growing IPRA's presence across social networks and of making our voice heard both within the PR community and outside.
- We are committed to increasing the amount of high-quality content available to members - you are already receiving the weekly thought leadership essays.
- We are ensuring regional events with high-quality speakers - the first of the year - ReputationWar was in Paris last week. We will share the content of this conference with you shortly. The next will be in Cairo in June.
All of this requires your support and participation - by coming to an event, if possible; by entering the GWA, by providing content from your region for the website, by joining us on the social media networks.