Message of the President of IPRA - November 2015
9 years, 4 months ago
Dear members and colleagues,
The changing technology of PR
Looking back over this year we have seen a technical evolution in corporate Public Relations as organisations re-engineer their communication methodologies and move into the world of social media.
Social media and other digital social platforms are increasingly gaining in popularity. They are versatile and provide unrivalled interactions, serving like bridges spanning client need on one side and company interest on the other. This development transcends generations and forces PR practitioners to widen their horizons.
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) may overload users as they can be technically sophisticated. However, ICTs will best serve PR practitioners if they overcome this technical challenge and are aware of three things. First, the evolution of opinion diversity; second, the convergences within social networks; and third, the new conflicts that arise.
From our smart-phones we observe impassively continual software updates, optimising requests and ever-demanding new setups. Behind this technical and sometimes irritating world is hidden two of the great challenges faced by communication professionals: how to we stay abreast of these ever faster technical developments and how do we become masters of this technology in order to excel at communication?
Dr. Amybel Sánchez de Walther
President of IPRA 2015