Message of the President of IPRA - July 2015
9 years, 7 months ago
Dear members and colleagues,
I was delighted last month to be a judge at the IPRA GWA. One category covers Corporate Responsibility, a topic I have a great interest in.
One aspect of this extends more broadly to Social Responsibility, a challenge in particular for many developing countries with disturbing rates of poverty, unemployment, malnutrition and child labour, as well as areas where crime and violence threaten the common good.
To address these issues, looking inside the organisation and its ethos of corporate responsibility is key. And the things to look for are empowerment, self-efficacy and other self-regulating techniques.
Ethics in business is essentially built from the inside; then this positive praxis can be exported to other external fields. And this can be done via informative campaigns and the use of strategies such as leading by example.
Golden World Awards and the Johannesburg Gala
As I mentioned earlier, I was delighted to attend the final judging of this year's Golden World Awards for Excellence, and helping to choose the 50 category winners. And it all took place in the glorious rolling countryside of West Sussex in England.
This year the competition was fierce with an impressively high standard of entries. Us judges were sometimes struggling to pick the winners.
The prestigious Grand Prix was also chosen but the judges have been sworn to secrecy. It will be announced at the Golden World Award Gala Dinner in Johannesburg on September 28 as part of IPRA's World Congress. Winners are rushing now to ensure their seats at the Gala dinner: I trust you will get yours soon.
Dr. Amybel Sánchez de Walther
President of IPRA 2015