Message of the President of IPRA - December 2015
9 years, 3 months ago
Dear members and colleagues,
This is my last message to you as IPRA’s President. 2015 has been a year of great challenges but also of a great sense of satisfaction. The year has seen outstanding contributions by individuals as well as PR associations and institutions which all brought their support to IPRA, contributing to its growth and internationalisation. In this respect I wish to honour Johanna McDowell who spent hundreds of volunteer hours as the organiser of our highly successful Congress in Johannesburg.
We have also seen this year some wonderful re-connection between the academic and corporate worlds. We saw this at the Congress and I have tried, as a PR academic, to reach out to my community.
A year that ended in conflict
We will all have been affected by a series of tragic events in different countries this year. And we ask ourselves in IPRA: what is our response? The answer must be to return to what we do best: communication and the communication of the truth. Good communication, crafted in a way that generates reliable feedback, is the way to bring light to the darkness of misinformation. In the face of violent and fanatic events (which seek to challenge the essential values of liberty and democracy) communicators must be tolerant, responsible and, above all, honest. Truth not only sets us free but also restores hope and builds trust.
Looking forward
As we move into the celebrations for the end of the year, lets us all think about the achievements and results of our daily work. Let us reflect on the experience and knowledge we acquired this year, so it may improve our discipline and improve ourselves. For 2016, when I hand over the Presidency to Bart de Vries, I wish more professional and personal growth to everyone. Let our daily lives keep on the search for an inner happiness that in turn will be the foundation for this personal growth.
Dr. Amybel Sánchez de Walther
President of IPRA 2015
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