Message from the President of IPRA - October 2015
9 years, 4 months ago
We have enriched our knowledge with the insightful contributions of the invited speakers, as well as with the sharing of best practice.
Dear members and colleagues,
We have successfully ended the IPRA World Congress in South Africa, which has served to connect the practitioners of Public Relations coming from all over the world. We have enriched our knowledge with the insightful contributions of the invited speakers, as well as with the sharing of best practice.
60 years to celebrate
The exciting city of Johannesburg became the place where we commemorated six fruitful decades in the history of IPRA. A history that started with an initial European perspective and then over time expanded to the global network that we are today. A network that is unparalleled in the sharing of knowledge across continents, cultures and languages.
IPRA and academia
The involvement of PR academics has been a character of IPRA from the very start. IPRA facilitates the sharing of thought and research on contemporary Public Relations, factoring in the increasingly complex, multi-disciplinary and strategic challenges of today.
IPRA and PR leadership
One of the features of communicational leadership (the main topic of the Congress) is about involvement. Leaders are judged not on their work in solving corporate problems, but on how much they become involved and interact with the diverse publics and social actors during the course of their profession. Only then are the leaders of PR able to be agents of change.
I want to thank every speaker, participant and attendant for their contribution to the success of the Congress in Johannesburg. My special thanks goes to Congress President and former IPRA President Johanna McDowell without whom this Congress would never have happened.
Thanks, as well, to all the other people that contributed to the organisation of the event. It has taken much of their time, patience and dedication. But it was all worth while. We have achieved our goals, we are in a great place for the future, and we are even starting to think about the Congress 2018.
Dr. Amybel Sánchez de Walther
President of IPRA 2015