Message from the President of IPRA - April 2015
9 years, 11 months ago
Corporate culture helps to bind the public with the organisational contributors and it adapts to external conditions.
Dear members and colleagues,
In the last three month I have been looking at a compilation of the experience of multiple professionals from different parts of the globe. One point that emerges is a close connection between public relations and the development of a corporate culture. This corporate culture helps to bind the public with the organisational contributors and it adapts to external conditions.
The importance of corporate culture
Corporate culture has multiple facets including beliefs, values and behaviour patterns. These facets have arisen in part through custom and in part through assumption. However the challenge is to make corporate culture become a more holistic experience, permeating the organisation. This implies a need to share that corporate culture with the external publics so that they understand it as independent from the corporate mission of the organisation.
The way that this sharing may happen needs to be based on policies of truthfulness and transparency. It is possible to forge a culture gradually with a responsible and consistent delivery of information. This gradual approach helps to create positive patterns of behaviour.
In this sense, the sustainability of corporate culture no longer depends only on the messaging coming from the organisation. The values and history of the corporation become equally important. In this way good PR practitioners within an organisation can motivate its leaders and its workers in such a way that they too become exponents of the same corporate culture.
Culture and leadership
This idea of the importance of leadership is a critical subject that is one of the three themes of the IPRA World Congress in Johannesburg this September. Tickets are available now via our website.
I take advantage of this opportunity to inform you that from now on we will follow a new pattern for the IPRA Thought Leadership essays. They will be sent to IPRA paid-up members by email in advance of being available on the website as an additional benefit for being anIPRA member.
Finally, don’t forget you have only until 14 April to send in your entry for the Golden World Awards for Excellence for the 2015 competition. More information on our website.
Dr. Amybel Sánchez de Walther
President of IPRA 2015