Message from the IPRA President: Time to work, learn and harvest June 2020
4 years, 7 months ago
It has been a very busy June. The judging of this year's GWA entries has begun and it will be a fierce competition. We have many great campaigns, including a good number of activities dealing with aspects of COVID-19 communications. Another COVID-19 related initiative, the global taskforce giving free consultations to help communications leaders in the crisis, kept some of our members busy. Personally, I had a discussion with a colleague which I found both insightful as well as mutually beneficial. For a free consultation click here.
Going Swedish
Following the recent partnership agreement that IPRA signed with the Svenska PR-företagen, I was invited to an on-line discussion with the association’s members. We had a most interesting conversation about the changing demands on the PR profession coming not only from the pandemic, but also from the overall transformation of our working lives. In the discussion we agreed that change is the only constant in our lives and in order to cope with the new demands our profession needs to adapt.
Going Baltic
I also gave an address to the Lithuanian PR Impact Awards 2020. It was a great and fully digital experience. I spoke about reputation and the lessons we keep learning on that topic. We agreed that in times of change, there is something that does not change: the fact that PR professionals are in the driving seat when it comes to managing an organization’s reputation. We discussed several recent examples that placed companies in a lose-lose scenario only because they failed to involve the PR department early enough in their strategic decisions.
Matters of learning
Another important partnership was made between IPRA and the European Public Relations Education & Research Association (EUPRERA). In these times of change it is essential for the professional and academic fields to work together to help with both the exchange of knowledge and professional development. I am really happy that through this new partnership we are bringing that vision closer to reality. Last, but not least, we have just introduced online learning for PR professionals. A new co-operation with the PR Training Academy helps IPRA members tap a great platform to keep up to date with changes in our industry. And there is a 10% discount for IPRA members. Please try it and let us have your feedback.
To conclude, all these initiatives, are part of what IPRA does best: helping our members to take the pulse of our industry, to learn, to network and to grow. In times of crisis people look for experts. We in IPRA try our best to equip you to be those experts. Let us all thrive.
Svetlana Stavreva
President 2019 – 2020
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