Message from the IPRA President: Time to reflect October 2019
5 years, 4 months ago
Almost a month ago IPRA's Golden World Awards Gala in Yerevan hosted PR experts from five continents becoming a true celebration of the world's PR talent, creativity and innovation. Thank you to all of you who were there! Thank you also to all of you who were virtually with us sharing and re-sharing the news. It resonated globally! I hope next time we meet in person.
The event was a reflection of how the role of the PR profession is being redefined in society, within company board rooms, across borders and via new media channels. The 2019 GWA Grand Prix awarded to Japan’s Dentsu PR set a fine example on how to manage the new demands on PR practitioners with grace and excellence. They designed a campaign that made a cooperation between businesses, public authorities and schools natural, easy and fun thus creating a vibrant local ecosystem. This programme was a key driver supporting the sustainable economic development of the Japanese city of Kobayashi.
A new definition of PR…
Also in Yerevan was an exciting outcome from our Board meeting. Reflecting everything we saw during this year's GWA judging, and importantly the hard work of a committee of IPRA Board members, we have adopted a new definition of public relations fit for the time we live in:
"Public relations is a decision-making management practice tasked with building relationships and interests between organisations and their publics based on the delivery of information through trusted and ethical communication methods."
The IPRA flavour to the definition is the last phrase – through trusted and ethical communication methods. This phrase turns an operational definition into a powerful definition saying how PR should be done. It reflects the expanded mandate of our profession which must today address the strategic issues and values of the organization. If PR is to do this then it must engender trust and ethics.
…What do you think?
We offer this definition as an invitation for a dialogue on the way forward for our profession. The initial feedback we have received is exciting and positive. Thank you! The definition has already been translated into Japanese and Farsi. Do you want to help translate it into your language? Please let us know and we will add your acknowledged translation to our web site. Join the discussion here or on our LinkedIn Group
Svetlana Stavreva
President 2019
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