Message from the IPRA President: Time to look ahead November 2022
2 years, 4 months ago
Hello from Tokyo. We experienced a heatwave this summer in Tokyo, partly due to global warming. However, now the weather has turned around and it's a beautiful autumn in Japan.
Action in Asia from Indonesia…
This month, from 15 – 16 November, the G20 inter-governmental summit will be held in Bali, Indonesia. Under the title, Recover Together, Recover Stronger, the summit will consider the post-pandemic global economy with a focus on the transition to sustainable energy, digital transformation, public health, and agricultural recovery. The host country has been vocal on environmental issues, including a declaration at last year’s COP26 to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. Given that Indonesia is the world's fourth-most populous country, this goal is impressive.
I am looking forward to giving an online keynote speech at a PR conference the week after the G20 also being held in Bali. The event, Shaping impactful value creation in the digital economy: the challenge of corporate communication, is endorsed by IPRA. I will be speaking on sustainable business communication.
… to Thailand
Also, in November the 2022 APEC Summit will be held in Bangkok. APEC, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, is a forum of 21 members across the region. Established in 1989, its core value is promoting regional economic integration. APEC has recently increased efforts to tackle the unprecedented challenges of the pandemic.
Guidelines for communicators
As we witness these inter-governmental events, we need to seize the opportunities for us as professional communicators to assist clients and governments. These opportunities are driven not just by the pandemic but of course also by climate change. We agreed at last month’s IPRA board meeting to start discussion within the Climate Change Chapter for a set of climate change guidelines. The leading idea is to interpret the IPRA code of conduct and provide guidelines as to how some of its articles may relate to climate communication. The Secretariat will be writing to all members soon to encourage your input.
Winds of change
The time has come for a rotation in IPRA’s leadership. I am delighted to announce that Anne-Gret Iturriaga Abarzua has been voted by the Board as the IPRA President 2023. Anne-Gret is Austrian and head of communications for INEOS in Cologne, Germany. I am sure that she will lead IPRA with great skill throughout 2023.
I look forward to writing to you again in next month’s letter. Thank you.
Etsuko Tsugihara
IPRA President 2022
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