Message from the IPRA President: The streets of Barcelona are paved with Gold September 2018
6 years, 4 months ago
Just three and a half weeks separate us from the most important IPRA event of the year, the Golden World Awards Gala Dinner. This year, we gather on Friday 19 October in Barcelona. It is the home city of IPRA board member and academic Enric Ordeix who has put together an excellent additional conference programme at his Blanquerna University. The PR conference is titled Voices: a platform for trends in PR and it takes a critical look at what is trending in public relations right now. It will take place on the afternoon of Thursday 18 and the morning of Friday 19 October at Blanquerna. The university is located in the heart of Barcelona a few minutes away from the Gala hotel. The Voices programme is linked from the IPRA website.
Recognition and networking…
The Gala is for GWA winners, GWA judges and IPRA members. For anyone active in PR, the GWA Gala is an event not be missed. Not only will a great many winning entries be presented but also, the winning teams from companies, government and PR agencies will be there to receive their awards. In other words it is a gathering of the state-of-the-art of public relations across the four continents of the world today. It is an unprecedented opportunity to network and exchange experiences across diverse cultures.
… And some fun too
But let’s be fair. A GWA Gala in Barcelona is not only about business. It is also about being in one of Europe’s most vibrant cities with fantastic museums and the famous architecture of Antoni Gaudí. And of course there is the famous Catalonian cuisine. This should be, for anyone still in a little doubt, the final reason to come. Gala tickets, hotel information, and Voices tickets are all bookable at
Time for a new IPRA Board
IPRA will also hold its Board meeting in Barcelona which will discuss inter alia the elections for the next two-year term for our regionally-elected Board. This too is a decisive reason to come. Dues paying members of IPRA can stand for Board membership across the global regions. Such direct participation will shape the future of the organisation. Being able to speak with veteran IPRA members and current Board members is one of the extra benefits of joining us in Barcelona. I hope to greet you on 19 October.
Bart de Vries
President 2016 – 2018
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