Message from the IPRA President: The road to Barcelona July 2018
6 years, 8 months ago
It’s just over 2 weeks ago that judges for the 2018 IPRA Golden World Awards convened in Brussels to determine this year’s winners. Like always the meeting, lasting all day, proved to be one of the highlights in the volunteer work these judges put in at IPRA. Settling down throughout the hours of evaluation of shortlisted entries in 37 categories, the judges held many spirited discussions on their individual merits. Whoever would have opportunity to wander around the clustered groups of judges would hear mention of trends and views of the application of current communication strategies. The entries come literally from around the world, representing in total 42 countries from the winners shortlist alone. Hence the assignments and challenges of the shortlisted entries vary widely. As do chosen solutions.
Reports to follow
Following on the debut of IPRA’s Golden World Awards 2017 Judges Report, a report of this year’s winners will be published again. It will discuss in much more detail the most remarkable features of the 2018 winners. This brings me immediately to the upcoming Golden World Awards Gala. It will be held on Friday 19 October in Barcelona. A truly great location for an ultimate festive event, which IPRA has held since 1990. The Gala is the premier occasion to meet, mixed and mingle with professional colleagues from around the globe. From personal observation I can testify to the fact that some attendees form lasting professional bonds.
PR and architecture
Our venue for the 2018 GWA ceremony and Gala Dinner is the Catalonia Barcelona Plaza Hotel on Plaza de España, facing the monument to Miguel de Cervantes, the writer of Don Quixote. Nearby, too, is the 1911 build House of Gallardo which is considered one of the notable examples of the Art Nouveau architectural style in the city. A little climb up nearby steps leads to the structures build for the 1929 Barcelona International Exposition. Most remarkable, to my personal taste, is the Barcelona Pavilion, created by German Bauhaus architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe.
I am mentioning this, because our choice for the city was based in no small measure on the extras Barcelona will offer attendees of the 2018 GWA Gala. IPRA’s Board member and Barcelona-born Enric Ordeix has great professional access to organize additional tours, among which will no doubt be an exclusive visit to the celebrated FC Barcelona stadium facilities. I am, therefore, encouraging all of you to meet up with us in Barcelona. Share with us the praise of this year’s winners, learn from excellence in public relations, form new bonds and enjoy this city. I will enjoy greeting you.
Bart de Vries
President 2016 – 2018
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