Message from the IPRA President: The importance of recognition: IPRA’s Golden World Awards May 2017
7 years, 9 months ago
On May 15 the term closes for entries for IPRA’s Golden World Awards. These Awards are among the most prestigious in the field of global professional communications. Just recently, I was honoured to be able to be present when Russia’s Eventiada Awards - supported by the country’s PR association - announced a cooperation agreement with IPRA. It is a further proof of the relevance of the GWA for public relations practitioners.
Last year at the GWA Gala in Doha, Qatar, the winner of the Grand Prix was Fleishman Hillard and the Philips campaign for respiratory relief. Since then, outdoor advertising in many countries made use of the emblematic image of the so-called “Breathless Choir”. As a judge for the GWAs, I was particularly impressed by the video accompanying the entry. After the announcement of the Grand Prix, I had the opportunity to speak with a Philips representative at the GWA Gala, Ms Lian Vergeer-Langens. I was interested to know the motivation of a global company to participate in the GWAs. She told me that recognition by professional peers from around the world is not only personally satisfying for the team involved in developing the campaign, but also a stimulus for continuing to place emphasis on quality, innovation and communication effectiveness.
As the winner of the 2016 Grand Prix, Fleishman Hillard and Philips was one among the many winners in 30 GWA categories who expressed their great joy in being recognised for the quality of their work. This was good to hear. IPRA is all about promoting the highest quality of communication, specifically in the area of ethical conduct. Being able to award great communication campaigns on their multifarious merits is a crucial element in supporting the IPRA mission.
Perhaps you are still considering entering your best work for the 2017 GWA. The most persuasive argument to act on this I can offer you is the global reach of the GWA. Your work will compete among the best in the world. The recognition you receive is global. So, why don’t we plan to see each other at the 2017 GWA Gala in Sofia, Bulgaria on 14 October, when I may shake your hand and congratulate you on winning a Golden World Award!
Bart de Vries
President 2016 – 2017
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