Message from the IPRA President: Sustainability and risk October 2022
2 years, 5 months ago
Hello from Tokyo. As many of you know, last month between the 16 – 25 September was this year’s Global Goals Week. This is a shared commitment between 170+ partners across civil society, business, academia, and the UN system to accelerate action on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). What did you do in your country? In Japan, there were events held throughout the country. In Okinawa, the southernmost island of Japan, a large-scale event was held at 13 venues over nine days. With a vision to both raise awareness of the SDGs within the public, as well as the co-creation of opportunities to act, there was an impressive total of 24 separate programmes.
A matter of survival
Today, more and more companies are keen to step-up efforts to attain the SDGs as a matter of survival. Individual corporate efforts can lead to the resolution of issues of sustainability, and this can be vital for the company. Moreover, the cumulative effect of such efforts helps to create awareness in society and of course this is where PR is a key success factor. I believe it is an important mission to provide PR know-how to help meet sustainability goals and more generally solve social problems. And each one of us needs to make the effort.
Reputation and crisis
The Thought Leadership webinar for this month will be held on Thursday, 13 October. The CEO and founder of UK-based crisis management consultancy Insignia, Jonathan Hemus will present "Rising to the challenge: how to protect reputation when crisis strikes". He will share with attendees: why smart people do irrational things in a crisis; the most common mistakes made by leaders in a crisis; 10 golden rules for crisis management success; and how to become a trusted advisor. Interested parties for the webinar are encouraged to register here.
For me, public relations to manage a crisis have long been a priority. When we talk of communication, people tend to think about creating news, by such techniques as media promotion or event planning. However, it is important to keep an eye on the news even after the main story has been transmitted. Social media feeds on both original news and itself. In my agency, we have many Generation Z members who work to put out fires while they still have a spark in social media. This helps ensure the story does not get lost over time.
I look forward to writing to you again in next month’s letter. Thank you.
Etsuko Tsugihara
IPRA President 2022
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