Message from the IPRA President: Season of Mists September 2016
8 years, 5 months ago
The start of Autumn in Europe is perhaps a far cry from the desert heat of the Gulf region, but that is still the area with the key attention of IPRA these days. We are hard at work putting the final touches on the organisation the first Golden World Awards Gala in Doha, Qatar. IPRA’s Board Member Jassim Fahkroo is our man on the ground there and he promises all who attend a rather special experience.
IPRA’s Golden World Awards are among the most senior awards in the PR profession, both in terms of legacy and geographical spread. This year’s entries saw a significant increase in number from geographies previously under represented. IPRA has established forms of cooperation with various regional PR award contests to offer mutual benefits.
Looking East
Awards are an eminent means to showcase the best PR work to a larger world. For IPRA this was an important reason to concluded a cooperation agreement with the Eventiada Awards. In itself, the Eventiada Awards are a part of a larger event, the Leadership Dialog Forum – a landmark international leadership and communications event in Russia and Eastern Europe, serving as a uniting platform for the leaders of generations, who discuss the future of communications, media and leadership, as well as share innovations, creativity, expertise and best practice. Founded in 2011, the annual Eventiada Awards is a non-profit initiative, which aims to bring a genuine benefit to both experienced communications practitioners and aspiring PR professionals. It is the largest communications contest in Eastern Europe that does not charge for entries and provides equal opportunities for all participants. Created as a student contest, today Eventiada accepts applications from both student and corporate worlds, and is a great chance to showcase your creativity.
I am particularly pleased to encourage IPRA members and those connected to IPRA through LinkedIn in Eastern Europe to consider the Eventiada Awards, and check out What’s more, all Eventiada winners will qualify for special rates for the 2017 IPRA GWA.
Book now for the GWA Gala
Back to IPRA’s Gala in Doha. There are some important announcements to expect on 5 November. Once such is the awarding of IPRA’s Grand Prix to the most outstanding entry for the GWA. Being in my position means that sometimes - as now - I am privy to information not yet disclosed. The Grand Prix is one of such. Though I cannot divulge the winner, I can state confidently that is a remarkable Grand Prix winner and celebrating this prime example of outstanding PR work is just about as good as any reason to come and join us in Doha. All the information about the Gala is on the IPRA website:
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