Message from the IPRA President: Reaching out to new colleagues January 2018
7 years, 1 month ago
This first Newsletter of the new year is appropriately devoted to a new development for IPRA. Midway next month, we will initiate a cooperation with a PR institute in Azerbaijan. This coincides with an international PR conference in Baku (17-18 February). Organized by Proloq PR Development Center and the online PR magazine, as well as with the assistance of the Azerbaijan Press Council, the conference aims to bring together know-how and expertise for the emerging communication profession.
Renewed chapters
The very fact that regions elsewhere in the world are seeking connection and cooperation is a hopeful development. The communication profession cannot but benefit from such interactions. IPRA has a history of local and regional chapters often run by Board or former Board members. Alas this proud history had almost become well, history. Fortunately, new life has been breathed into the idea. In the Arabian Gulf, new efforts have been applied to IPRA’s longstanding Gulf Chapter. I am very positive about the prospects.
The new development in Azerbaijan is aimed at creating support for public relations professionals, to further the development of the PR sector, and to inspire young people to build their future in the profession. I am pleased to say that on behalf of IPRA, I will attend the conference. Additionally, a number of IPRA speakers are among the line-up including two former IPRA Presidents: Zehra Güngör and Loula Zaklama.
Meanwhile in Barcelona
Finally, this Newsletter to members is written in Barcelona where Board member Enric Ordeix is hosting a Cross-cultural Communications Conference with the endorsement of IPRA. Enric is VP Global Communication, and Institute and Academic Director of the MA-Strategic Management in Global Communication at Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations. Speakers and representatives of six universities united in the Global Communication Institute will present. On behalf of IPRA, I will deliver a keynote on characteristic pitfalls of cross-cultural communications. So, from the further reaches of Azerbaijan to the Barcelona shore IPRA is, at the start of the new year, rather well represented.
Bart de Vries
President 2016 – 2018
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