Message from the IPRA President: It’s more important than ever to connect to IPRA October – November 2020
4 years, 3 months ago
Beyond UN75
During the pandemic IPRA has become a trusted source of insight, news, learning and knowledge making us all feel well connected and supported. In a true show-don’t-tell style our contribution to the UN75 dialogue resonated well beyond the date of submission, with an ongoing message to be extra sensitive to the spread of misinformation. At the same time online forums and virtual conferences where IPRA members participate and present set the bar high and are becoming a trusted source for learning and professional development.
Thinking, agreeing, connecting
Our weekly Thought Leadership Essays, as well as the excellent online learning opportunities we have developed with the PR Training Academy, both inspire and educate They offer a point of view and services to IPRA members not available elsewhere. The agreements IPRA has with over 30 regional and national associations provide a unique platform for IPRA members to reach out across the globe, to network and to learn from each other. All these member services are just some of the reasons why is it important to be part of IPRA in these times of transformation and challenges to the way we communicate.
Announcing a new IPRA President for 2021
Last, but not least, we also need to make sure IPRA will continue on this successful path, being the guiding light for PR practitioners all over the world. Looking to the future we have appointed our next President. It is therefore with great pleasure that I am introducing to you the upcoming IPRA President 2021 – Philippe Borremans. He has already been an active IPRA Board member and there is a lot more to come. Philippe is Belgian, though now based in Portugal, and an independent consultant specialising in risk and crisis communication. He works on strategic communication projects for epidemic and pandemic preparedness with organisations like the World Health Organization, the European Union, and the West African Union. Join me in welcoming Philippe and wishing him all the best in his term as IPRA President 2021.
#takecarebeforeyoushare #stayhealthy
Svetlana Stavreva
President 2019 – 2020
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