Message from the IPRA President: Helping business redesign for long-term success September 2020
4 years, 5 months ago
A short report on the Golden World Awards 2020
As President I also have the honour of being the chair of the GWA Judges. So allow me to give a brief judges’ report about the Golden World Awards for Excellence (GWA) 2020. First, praise where praise is due. The Grand Prix 2020 – this year's most prestigious PR award in the IPRA GWA – went to the Spanish agency LLYC and their client The BBK Foundation. The winning campaign The Last Older Person to Die in Loneliness uses cutting-edge 3D storytelling and it touched our hearts. The story, by offering a unique perspective, helps us see through the eyes of those in need, and thus encourages us to act.
Another key award – the Global Contribution Award – went to the campaign Soap with Dots executed by Croatian agency Apriori World for their client The Zagreb Association for the Blind. It is a great example of PR work and social entrepreneurship aimed at helping those in need. The campaign met the UN’s sustainable development goal number10: reduced inequalities.
As ever IPRA GWA 2020 winners were from all over the world. They tackled old problems such as fake news, climate change, domestic violence, and fresh problems such as covid-19, and educating Gen Y & Z not to text while driving. More and more campaigns this year showed a trend in offering creativity that helped build socially relevant initiatives with a wider purpose.
GWA flagging a new trend
This is an important trend flagging the way to a future where our industry plays a key role to further help businesses redesign for long-term success and sustainability. PR campaigns that are based on truth, a greater purpose, relevance and ethics will not only benefit the underlying business but also be instrumental in achieving one or more of the UN goals for sustainable development. As outlined by a global member outreach conducted by IPRA earlier this year in the context of the UN 75th anniversary, the PR industry has the potential to address old, fresh and upcoming challenges to make the world better by 2045 and beyond. I am very proud that IPRA plays a key role in this process.
A word to conclude
This year's IPRA Golden World Awards for Excellence competition is like no other for one more reason. In true fashion influenced by the covid-19 pandemic, we are replacing our usual GWA Awards Gala with a virtual system of rewards and acknowledgement. See all the GWA 2020 winners right here.
Last, but not least, don’t forget we have introduced online learning for PR professionals. Our co-operation with the PR Training Academy helps IPRA members tap a great platform to keep up to date with changes in our industry. And there is a 10% discount for IPRA members. Please try it and let us have your feedback.
Stay tuned to learn more about other upcoming initiatives.
Svetlana Stavreva
President 2019 – 2020
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