Message from the IPRA President: Feeling the difference April 2024
10 months ago
Dear friends and colleagues,
Are you sure it is Spring in April? If you ask me, I tell you yes. It is a beautiful springtime here in Belgrade, Serbia. But if you ask my colleagues from Australia, South Africa or Brazil, they will tell you it is Autumn. For some of us it is time for planting, for others, it is the time of harvest.
A famous month
My friend tells me that April is infamous as the month of the sinking of the Titanic: 15 April 1912. My neighbour tells me that April is about the celebration of Earth Day: 22 April each year. And that is worth celebrating as we all share the same planet, and indeed the same life-giving Sun and tide-giving Moon.
And what of difference?
As we consider these shared similarities, we may also reflect on our differences. Differences are not a wedge or a barrier. They are how we learn. Differences should be embraced. Next time when you think of Spring, or the variations of Easter, or the Festival of Holi last week, remember that not all of us, think the same, do the same, look the same, or behave the same. Difference is the mother of diversity, and today diversity matters more than ever.
The cultural intelligence we develop from diversity is a vital part of being both an effective team player, and a good leader in the world today. Trust me. Even better meet a perfect example of diversity in the make-up of the IPRA Board of 2024. Discover the difference right here.
Show us your diversity
Sharing your work in PR and your best campaigns as entries to the Golden World Awards is another way to embrace diversity. It is what makes the judging of the GWA competition such fun. The GWA is open now. Spread a little diversity at this link.
Kind regards,
Nataša Pavlović Bujas
IPRA President 2024