Message from the IPRA President: Communications and Sustainability June 2019
5 years, 7 months ago
It is the end of June and a good moment to reflect on our overall journey together this year. In the last months IPRA continued to inspire and encourage its members across the world. IPRA's Gold Paper addressing executive reputation enjoys a record number of downloads. We have extended co-operation on matters of global PR in Bulgaria, Lithuania, the Middle East, Kenya and Japan.
But elsewhere no one is reading or trusting the news
A recent poll of more than 75,000 people in 38 countries, published by the University of Oxford’s Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism found that more and more people simply avoid news coverage. Indeed less than half (49%) trust the news that they themselves use. And the European Communication Monitor 2019, a survey based on almost 2700 respondents from 46 European countries, is also signalling the challenges of rising mistrust. These trends are confirmed by another interesting highlight. Strategy&'s CEO Success study found, for the first time in the study’s long history, that more CEOs from the world’s largest companies were dismissed for ethical lapses than for financial performance or board struggles.
Cause and effect?
Is this the result of a world today that is simultaneously more connected and more divided than ever? And is one division between a majority who have nothing of substance to say but nevertheless say it rather loudly, and a minority with insight whose message is lost in the overall noise? This conundrum is our wake up call. It is a signal that our time demands leadership, common sense and purpose in the conversation of the future. And as always when we need conversation, PR and communications expertise is required.
Who you gonna call? Noisebusters
Luckily IPRA, a community where PR, communications and sustainability thrive together, can help. Our culture is backed by IPRA's code of conduct, engaging a professional community of members from all over the world and from every industry. IPRA programmes, such as the Golden World Awards for Excellence in PR, attract knowledge and best practices from around the globe. We should all get more engaged in conversations for common sense in PR and communications. Conversations that ultimately support high professional standards for a sustainable development, not just for our industry, but for all of us.
Do you agree? Let me know by commenting below.
Svetlana Stavreva
President 2019
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