Message from the IPRA President: Communications and Sustainability July - August 2019
5 years, 8 months ago
Quo vadis PR?
The judging for the 2019 IPRA Golden World Awards for Excellence in PR is over! Earlier this month experts from all over the world gathered in London to complete the final round of judging of the world's most diverse, fierce and creative PR competition. Each continent was fairly represented and we had competing projects from all types of clients, industries, companies and agencies, from smaller start-ups to global PR brands.
The 89 winners include the as yet unannounced 2019 Grand Prix and the Global Contribution Award for PR in support of the UN SDGs. It was interesting that all winners reflected the digitalization, pace of change and challenges affecting our profession today.
From sixth sense to data sense
Some of the winning programmes show how modern PR experts leverage data insights. We saw how agencies and companies are using data in real time to predict news cycles of interest, check the sentiment of a selected audience or uncover key influencers. All this gives a new horizon to our profession and the chance to have a deep knowledge on things that we previously only guessed about. This new sixth sense is more scientific than the intuition we used in the past. Today's data based PR programmes are becoming much more intelligent, innovative and insightful. They directly contribute not only to a positive brand perception, but are a driver for higher revenues. Another observation touches on the innovations and creativity PR professionals use to engage audiences. Research tells us that 70% of a person's first interaction with a product or service is happening online. Thus every time we go online we discover a new form of communication. We saw numerous programmes tackling this particular challenge using a variety of innovative techniques.
All PR roads lead to Yerevan
And now all of this know-how and creativity is gathering in Armenia on the 27 September. The Armenian capital Yerevan is getting ready to welcome the PR Celebrities of 2019 at the glamorous Golden World Awards Gala Ceremony at the Meridian Centre. The shiny GWA trophies, the red carpets, the glamorous dresses are all part of a GWA awards ceremony. But more than that Yerevan will become The place to be for the world’s PR professionals to network with the best of the best. I can't wait to be there and deep dive into that creativity and innovation. Are you joining me? Book your tickets here
Svetlana Stavreva
President 2019
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