Message from the IPRA President: Are you among the best in Public relations? May 2016
8 years, 9 months ago
Make yourself a golden PR person.
Those of you attuned to the regular updates from IPRA, will not have missed the regular announcements of the Golden World Awards. But have you also submitted your entry? There are still two weeks left to do so. Competing in IPRA’s GWA for a nomination in one of the 30 categories is taking part in a celebration of public relations’ top standards on a global scale. Having been a judge for quite a few years running, I can testify to the quality and diversity of entries. Winning a GWA shows that you are performing at the cutting edge of today’s profession.
IPRA had made submitting entries quite easy. The process is highly automated and there are helpful resources on the IPRA website nudging you in the right direction. Campaigns and PR programs can be submitted in more than one category to increase your chances of winning.
How do we judge the GWA?
If you are still undecided about entering, perhaps you will be persuaded if you know a little more about the judging procedure. IPRA takes this very serious, having secured over the years the participation of a range of experienced PR professionals. Judging takes place in two steps. There is the pre-judging, which is done online, during which nominations in each category are established. This is the phase where succinct descriptions of the campaign or program and the relevance of the assignment and objectives really count.
The second and decisive round of judging takes place in July. This is when a heterogeneous group of experienced IPRA judges meet in a central location in Europe. Judging then takes place in-depth with teams each taking responsibility of just a handful of categories. Discussions on the intrinsic merits of the nominations can run deep and wide. Having started in the early morning, we usually do not finish until the early evening. This is serious stuff taken seriously.
Rest assured then, if I have managed to raise your interest a notch or two, that entering IPRA’s GWA will bring you to one of the world’s most qualified public relations award platforms. Recognition of winners takes place during the traditional IPRA GWA Gala. IPRA also communications the GWA winners across our own channels and those of our partner organisations and to professional and trade publications.
Don’t miss your chance to rank among the best in Public Relations. Enter your campaign or programme in IPRA’s Golden World Awards now at
Bart de Vries
IPRA President
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