Message from the IPRA President: And the First Results are In! June 2018
6 years, 9 months ago
This is the time of the year that many devoted IPRA members and judges occupy themselves with the first round of online judging of IPRA’s Golden World Awards for Excellence in Public Relations (GWA). For entrants and judges alike this is a responsibility which adds to their daily workload, but I dare say that the experience is a rich and rewarding one. IPRA’s GWAs are a rare measure of the state-of-the-art of the public relations profession. First of all, this is among the few if not the only truly global award scheme for public relations: entries reach IPRA from everywhere in the world. Second, across all categories one can discern which trends define today’s PR profession. Finally, when taking a broad look, one can also notice what solutions to communication challenges are favoured, or judged to be the most appropriate answer, in a given national and social-cultural context.
Eyes across the World
This latter aspect is what makes IPRA’s GWAs so fascinating. Trends will easily travel across the world and touch PR practitioners wherever they work. But national and social-cultural aspects remain inescapable givens, often leading to unique solutions. These set entries apart and make judging the rewarding experience I mentioned above. After several years of final, in-person judging (later in July), I can attest to the involved discussions among judges to which these unique communication solutions give rise. The final round of judging the shortlisted entries in all categories brings together judges with as widely differing backgrounds and nationalities as the GWAs themselves. This ensures entries are not solely judged with a specific perspective. Instead, global perspectives on the merits of the entries are brought forward. It leads to balanced decisions: never weak compromises.
IPRA will soon announce the city and venue of the GWA Gala during which the awards will be given to the winners. Each year of my three-year term as President (and now, I realise, for the last time) I not only invite you dear reader, but rather urge you, to join IPRA at this event. It is a rare occasion to be among the best in our professional field, to hear first hand what sets this year’s winners apart from the crowd, and to be able to speak directly to your fellow public relations practitioners about their entries and their work. IPRA’s GWA are all about inspiration and pride in public relations. So, be inspired and join us. I will personally welcome you.
Bart de Vries
President 2016 – 2018
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