Message from the IPRA President: A year well spent December 2022
2 years, 2 months ago
Hello from Tokyo. Before everyone goes on Christmas holiday, I am writing my last letter to all of you. Time flies. Almost a year has passed since I took office as the President of IPRA.
A chance to talk to the world
During this period, I have given online presentations and messages to the public relations community across the world including The Philippines, Uganda, India, Iran, Indonesia, and Turkey. Through these presentations, I gained a better understanding of the communication trends in those countries. The countries were diverse showing differences in population, age ratios, political situation and economic conditions. What emerged was that these countries were maximizing the value of PR and have a lot of PR momentum. And this momentum seemed not to be correlated with either the size of the country, or the growth of the population, or the state of the economy. For me it was most valuable that rather than getting information from third party sources, I was able to engage with the local PR community and hear their own voices. I truly believe that I was able to learn more from those meetings than I was able to offer. These dialogues are one of the benefits of being an IPRA President. I am so happy to have been offered the opportunity.
All about connection
These last three years of the coronavirus pandemic were an important moment for the whole world. They taught us all to face life and love life. Now that the pandemic is moving into its next phase, I believe that a new world is opening up for us all. I was not able to connect with you as much as I would have liked to, being President in the midst of the pandemic making travel a challenge for all of us. However, as a PR person, I would like to reiterate that our job while not as hands on as, for example, those who create vaccines, is nevertheless a job of immense importance. We create an atmosphere of co-operation. We strive for a better world. We talk about a brighter future. Let us take pride in what we do as we continue to make connections.
I thank you once again for a wonderful year and connect you now with the IPRA President 2023 Anne-Gret Iturriaga Abarzua.
Etsuko Tsugihara
IPRA President 2022
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