Message from the IPRA President: A toast to new beginnings January 2019
6 years, 1 month ago
I hope you all had a great holiday season and I wish you and your families a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year. Today, I am proud to write to you as the 2019 IPRA President as we start what I believe will be an interesting, challenging and rewarding journey together.
When I reflect on 2018 and the message from our Past President Bart de Vries, I realize that it was a fantastic year that gave all of us something rather special. It gave us momentum. And momentum is a good thing to have: when lost, it takes a long time to re-build.
The IPRA resolutions …
Hence, in the spirit of New Year business resolutions for 2019, and inspired by our vision to be the world's most international and influential community of communications professionals, let us do the following. Firstly, we must keep adhering to the IPRA Code as our affirmation of professional and ethical conduct and our standard of excellence. Secondly, we must collaborate even closer based on trust, relevance and respect. And finally, we must engage with our professional community of IPRA members helping all of us to grow and learn from each other.
With these three resolutions, by continuing to improve our existing communications’ practices and standards, we will inspire colleagues, other businesses and members of society to achieve a more sustainable future, backed by transparency and trust. If we manage to do this, we will maintain the momentum of 2018, we will find renewed energy, and we will continue with our commitment for excellence.
… And a new Board to help carry them out
It is with great pride that I introduce to you IPRA's Board for 2019. You can find their profiles on our website here. Some faces are familiar, and some will be new, for we have added fresh diversity and expertise to the 2019 Board.
I look forward to working with all of you - virtually or in person - in the coming months.
Svetlana Stavreva
President 2019