Message from the IPRA President: A month of renewal April 2021
3 years, 10 months ago
The month of April is special for many reasons. Depending on the hemisphere you live in, Spring or Autumn has started for real now, and all major world religions have important festival days. It’s clear April is the month of re-birth in many ways. So it is with IPRA.
IPRA Thought Leadership Webinar series for 2021
We have a newcomer in our association’s activities of which we can all be proud. The IPRA Thought Leadership Webinar series is a fact, and we have a full calendar for the rest of the year. Former IPRA President Svetlana Stavreva recently talked about Artificial Intelligence and its impact on public relations. Esther Cobbah will cover cross-cultural dimensions in PR next month. Make sure you check out the full programme and share it with your contacts or promote the webinars via your social media channels. These webinars are free, and open to members and non-members. The full series is here.
Welcome to The Global Boardroom
Following the award to FTLive of the IPRA President’s Award 2020, we have struck a partnership deal.
We have agreed to promote the next two FTLive events in return for the promotion of IPRA during their events. The first event is The Global Boardroom on May 4 – 6 about Strategies for a world transformed by crisis. The event will cover the practical steps governments, business and finance can take to build a resilient, sustainable recovery, more than a year into a crisis that has crippled the global economy and changed the way we live, work and communicate. Don’t miss it and register here.
The IPRA Golden World Awards for Excellence
There’s just a few weeks to go to enter your best PR campaigns in the Golden World Awards 2021. Until Monday 19 April you can still enter at the normal fee and we close the submission window on May 10. So don’t hesitate and submit this week here.
EUPRERA and AMEC outreach
One of my priorities as President is to reach out to our academic colleagues as I am convinced we need more science-based communication in our profession. That’s exactly what we have done in the last couple of weeks. We, together with other communication associations, are actively supporting an initiative of the European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA): a covid-19 communication statement. Recent research from the EUPRERA com-covid network, a global series of national research projects, provides evidence of poor communication management along with low trust in information sources. As communications professionals it is our duty to speak out on this important issue but also to be supportive and offer help. Please read the full statement here and share it with your network.
We also had a very constructive meeting with the managing director of the International Association for the Measurement and Evaluation of Communication (AMEC). We are both fully aware that there is still an enormous effort to be done in our profession around measurement and evaluation and we hope to have a formal agreement signed soon. In the meantime you can already use their free, online evaluation tool here.
That’s my overview for this month. As always, feedback is more than welcome and I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Keep safe and kind regards.
Philippe Borremans
President 2021
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