Message from the IPRA President: A month of opposites June 2021
3 years, 8 months ago
It’s already June. A month of opposites as it contains the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, the day with the most daylight hours, and the winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere, the day with the fewest daylight hours. For many of us, it is a time when we plan our holiday break and are looking forward to spending more time with family and friends. Unfortunately, even as vaccination programmes take effect, the pandemic has not left us.
WHO will tell us HOW
It is in this context that the World Health Organization is inviting IPRA members to a webinar on the topic. It will help you communicate safe holiday guidelines to your employees and plan your return to work campaigns for September. Don’t miss it – here is the Zoom link.
Comms and competitions
Our latest IPRA Thought Leadership webinar was again a great success presented by the communications team from INEOS Cologne comprising Dr Anne-Gret Iturriaga Abarzua, Maite Enfedaque and Johanna Pauly . It was a strong case study on internal communication and the use of their award-winning intranet. Cleverly they used a play on words of the company name INEOS to create easy to remember sections and themes. Here is the replay link in case you missed it. This week I also had the pleasure to take part in a Twitter chat at PRFest, a conference organised by British colleagues. We had a lively conversation around crisis and risk communication preparedness. You can find the tweets and reaction by searching for the hashtag #prfest on Twitter.
One of our main activities, the Golden World Awards for Excellence in PR, surprised us this month. As we closed the entry window for 2021, we discovered to our delight that entries have surged not only above the tough year of 2020 but to reach a 5-year record. The pandemic may not be over, but PR, it would seem, is back. The entries now face round one judging under the scrutiny of an international panel of 43 experts. After making a shortlist, finalists provide extra detail and then the judges choose the winners in the competition’s 37 categories. Winners will be announced at the end of July.
PR and PA
And finally, don’t forget we still have a webinar to go before the holiday break. You can already register for Twin peaks: the overlap between public affairs and public relations with guest speaker Andras Baneth, managing director at the European Office of the US-based Public Affairs Council, on 8 July 2021 via this link.
Keep safe and talk again soon.
Philippe Borremans
President 2021
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