Message from IPRA President - September 2014
10 years, 6 months ago
Although August is referred to as “holiday time”, it is also a great time to prepare for the upcoming autumn period and the coming year. Last month while managing relations with other international organizations, IPRA also continued its work for the GWA Gala (Istanbul Friday 14 November 2014) and the World Congress featuring the celebrations for the 60th Anniversary of IPRA in Johannesburg (Sunday 27 September – Tuesday 29 September 2015).
Diversity and leadership
As is the case with everything these days, diversity and difference are embraced by communication too. The detail of what is said by global management and global leaders emphasizes diversity. Successful leaders implement flexible work models and they respect cultural diversity.
The great leaders of our time are leaders who embrace those who think differently to themselves; those who are from other religions and cultures.
Only those leaders who base their communication strategies on celebrating difference and diversity deserve the right to be defined as successful.
Events of the next four months
As IPRA President, I have four more months ahead. I would like to use this as an opportunity to contribute everyday to the global development of the PR sector. A series of conferences in Northern Asia, Europe and Africa were held in the past months and in this autumn period a series of conferences will be organized in Iran, Russia, Austria and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
The 10th international PR Symposium is to be held in October in Tehran, capital of Iran. I will make a presentation entitled "Public Relations, Culture and Society”. As for the IPRA Gulf Chapter Conference, it is to be held in December in Abu Dhabi (UAE). There is an upcoming PR Summit in Moscow and an ARADO conference in Vienna too.
Hearing different perspectives during these meetings will strengthen our cross-cultural communication. Moreover, these meetings will be another opportunity to make new long-term relationships. Let us meet up at one of those events and listen to what these new speakers have to say.
You are always welcome to write to me whenever you wish. I embrace you in the spirit of IPRA.
Warmest regards
Dr. Zehra Güngör
IPRA President 2014
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