Message from IPRA President 2014, October
10 years, 4 months ago
Awards mean much more than one motivating Gala. Touching on people and their success, and celebrating that in front of peers is a wonderful feeling. From the youngest to the oldest, motivation is vital for communication.
Hello to you All,
Now that October is upon us, the communication and public relations sector has begun to gain further impetus. There is great excitement going on at IPRA because the Gala Dinner for the 2014 Golden World Awards draws nearer (it’s on Friday 14 November at the famousPera Palas Hotel in Istanbul). And that means the announcement of the Grand Prix for 2014 draws nearer too! Book your table now via the IPRA web site
Awards mean much more than one motivating Gala. Touching on people and their success, and celebrating that in front of peers is a wonderful feeling. From the youngest to the oldest, motivation is vital for communication.
As a matter of fact, motivation is a key element of human relations. We often witness the success of motivation-based communication models as far as internal communication and external communication with the world are concerned. Those leaders capable of motivating others enjoy success, while their employees get to be much more efficient and happier at what they do. I am delighted to see also the interest of the young PR specialists in the sector and their efforts to integrate that interest with IPRA. This way I realize how much our profession is in demand for future generations.
I was in New York during the first week of September and paid a visit to the United Nations (UN). Jim McQueeny, our board member, and Barbara Burns, who has facilitated this relationship for years, helped me arrange the visit and accompanied me. We held a fruitful meeting with Ashley Baxstrom, communication advisor for the UN’s “Zero Hunger” project, to which the UN Secretary General himself attaches great importance. We exchanged ideas with Ashley as to how IPRA could help with global messaging about the “Zero Hunger” project. This is something we will discuss in greater detail at the next IPRA Board meeting.
Other travels
I will be in Tehran, Iran in the final week of October for the opening address of the 10th International PR Symposium. IPRA Presidents have long supported this annual event. I will also make a presentation there entitled “Public Relations, Culture and Society". I am excited about the opportunity to witness first hand the importance shown to the PR sector in Iran.
Also on my agenda is The Second Arab International Public Relations Conference, which will be held in Vienna early November. This is the second ARADO event to which IPRA has lent its expertise and support, following the event held in Egypt last year.
Then in December, I will attend the IPRA Gulf Chapter Conference in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, and experience a change of weather at the Moscow PR Summit.
It would be wonderful to see you at one of these events, and to exchange ideas with you. Come on, do try to join me so that we may together sail the endless seas of communication!
You can write to me whenever you wish. I embrace you all in the spirit of IPRA.
Warmest regards
Dr. Zehra Güngör
IPRA President 2014
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