Message from IPRA President - August 2014
10 years, 6 months ago
Although they say that July and August are the months when people take their holidays in the Northern Hemisphere, neither IPRA nor I have experienced that this year. Together with IPRA’s Board and Secretariat, we were busy in July and it looks like August will be a hectic month too.
A golden summer
In late July, the grand jury, meeting in Amsterdam, awarded the projects that showed true excellence in this year’s Golden World Awards. The winners were notified right away in early July. Projects nominated for the special UN and the new European Commission awards have already been forwarded to the those organizations for consideration. We are looking forward to the GWA Gala Night to be held in November in Istanbul to formally recognise the winners and when we will also announce the winner of the 2014 Grand Prix. I would like to cordially congratulate all GWA participants and the winners. I should add that a record number of entries were received in 2014 adding to a year on year increase in the last few years.
In the first week of July, I was in Africa to participate in the 7th IPRA International All Africa PR Conference. I met colleagues from different African countries in Dakar, capital of Senegal, and exchanged ideas with them. Apart from making the opening speech, I also contributed to the conference through two different presentations entitled "Good Strategy & Ideal Communications" and "Branding is the Winter Coat of the Country". It was a good recruiting ground for new members from Africa. Being involved actively in communication in Africa is wonderful. I would like to thank Mike Okereke, IPRA board member, for having organized this excellent event.
Harmony between differences
Harmony between differences enriches communication. Understanding people begins with understanding cultural differences. Being aware of these differences enriches communication and strengthens ties between people. As for empathy, it is a essential for understanding differences and starting communication. Needless to say, public relations lives on this kind of understanding.
Upcoming agenda
The agenda for September, October and November are full of PR and IPRA events. While preparing for the GWA Gala and the awards ceremony to hand the prize winning PR people their awards in November, we are also busy making preparations for the IPRA PR Summit to be held in Abu Dhabi, capital of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), on 10-11 December. I would like to thank our board member Faisal Al Zahrani for his valuable efforts for organizing this event.
Besides the conferences that will be held until the end of the year, preparations for the IPRA World Congress to be organized in Johannesburg to celebrate the 60th anniversary of IPRA go on at full speed. I have no doubt that it will prove to be an outstanding congress.
Let’s meet at those meetings. When we are together, we can make our voice heard better. Let us come together under the umbrella of IPRA. Write to me and let us speak, I embrace you in the spirit of IPRA.
Warmest regards
Dr. Zehra Güngör
IPRA President 2014
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