Jane Hammond In Memoriam
4 years, 1 month ago
IPRA pays its respects to Jane Hammond who has passed away at the age of 86. Jane was a much loved and appreciated member of IPRA and was awarded IPRA emeritus status in 2018.
With a fierce and forensic intelligence, Jane could speak off the cuff on a public relations subject with an astonishing grasp of both theoretical and practical application. Her contribution to PR spanned decades, and as a result of her training programmes, she was able to encourage droves of students to become IPRA members. She advised charities, NGOs, and even heads of state. She authored two IPRA Thought Leadership Essays.
Jane taught and consulted in many countries but had a particular passion for understanding African and Caribbean cultures. Her close friend Dorothy Ottey recalls that Jane was a public relations specialist for Afro hair and beauty and that she was immensely proud of her role in developing understanding of that genre.
Jane was a regular judge of the IPRA Golden World Awards. “As a judge she often expressed her joy at the range of good work being done around the world by public relations practitioners. Jane was forthright and exceptionally kind. We will miss her ability to get to the theoretical detail and to be unafraid to challenge or raise different viewpoints,” recalls IPRA board member Jacqueline Purcell. Other judges recall her being a stickler for good English grammar expecting the highest of standards even from those poor souls who may be writing in a third language.
In addition to her Quaker faith, Jane was a regular proponent of the good works done by the global humanitarian organisation Rotary. Besides being a former editor of their London magazine, she was often seen promoting Rotary to IPRA members at events and congresses.
For many though Jane will be ever remembered for wearing the most splendid of dresses complete with flame orange headgear as she danced into the night at an IPRA Gala.
Jane was a member of the British Hawtrey family. She has a daughter, Louisa, and a grandson Otis. Condolences may be sent to IPRA and will be passed on to her family.
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