IPRA’s code of PR ethics translated into Swahili

7 years, 5 months ago
15 September 2017, London, United Kingdom
IPRA, the International Public Relations Association, announces that is long-standing code of ethical conduct in the practice of PR has been translated into Swahili. The Swahili code, available on the IPRA website at https://www.ipra.org/member-services/code-of-conduct/, joins the original English version and translations into 30 languages.
This most recent translation was led by the Public Relations Society of Tanzania (PRST). PRST were diligent in their work explains Ndege Makura, PRST Secretary General. “First we consulted within the profession and then we asked BAKITA, the National Swahili Council, for their assistance in the final translation. BAKITA, meaning Baraza la Kiswahili la Taifa in Swahili set-up a panel of five linguists to do the work.”
IPRA Secretary-General Philip Sheppard adds; “Throughout its existence IPRA has always sought to provide intellectual leadership for the public relations profession. And in this month of sorry news about a lack of ethics in PR, this translation is timely.”
Background to the IPRA Code
A key part of IPRA’s work on ethics has been the development of a number of Codes and Charters seeking to provide an ethical framework for the activities of the profession. Upon joining IPRA all members undertake to uphold these Codes and in doing so benefit from the ethical climate that they create.
IPRA’s current Code dates consolidates the 1961 Code of Venice, the 1965 Code of Athens and the 2007 Code of Brussels. In 2011 these Codes were consolidated into a single document updated to reflect the age in which we now live.
Background to IPRA
IPRA, the International Public Relations Association, is the leading global network for Public Relations professionals. Membership is individual not corporate. It aims to further the development of open communication and the ethical practice of public relations. IPRA fulfils this aim through networking opportunities, its code of conduct and intellectual leadership of the profession. IPRA is the organiser of the annual Golden World Awards for excellence – PR's global awards scheme. With 60 years of experience, IPRA, recognised by the United Nations, is now present throughout the world wherever public relations are practised. IPRA welcomes all those within the profession who share its aim and who wish to be part of the IPRA worldwide fellowship. For more information please visit: www.ipra.org
International Public Relations Association Secretariat
United Kingdom
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