IPRA works on the Secretary-General’s “Zero Hunger Challenge”
10 years, 4 months ago
IPRA members James McQueeny and Barbara Burns representing the organization at the United Nations' annual conference in New York. The 2015 meeting is the largest ever held.
IPRA has been working throughout the year on the Secretary-General’s “Zero Hunger Challenge” to eradicate hunger in the World. James and Barbara facilitated a major and successful conference of global communications leaders on how they can help design the outreach.
Today, IPRA board member James McQueeny of the United States, our NGO liaison to the United Nations, attending invitation-only meeting on "Delivering Zero Hunger: Demonstrating Impact." The program was a companion event to the opening this week of the 69th UN General Assembly in New York.
On behalf of IPRA, they have been participating in meetings since January to find global communication pathways to bring more partners into the challenge, and achieve greater visibility. Additional IPRA measures and a call for greater member participation will be discussed at the November board meeting in Istanbul.
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