IPRA President keynote at Barcelona University Graduation
9 years, 7 months ago
IPRA President 2015, Dr. Amybel Sánchez de Walther, was the keynote speaker and patron at this week’s graduation ceremony for Advertising and Public Relations students at the Universidad de Barcelona.
Dr. Sánchez spoke of “the relevance of leaders as strategic communicators”. She called on the graduates to “awaken their entrepreneurial spirit and above all to be creative in order to seize business opportunities”.
Finally, in keeping with the IPRA code of conduct, Dr. Sánchez called upon the graduates to practice their chosen profession based on ethics and sustainability. “More than a fire-fighter only appearing when emergencies occur, PR practitioners must be aware at all times of what is going on in order to build a good reputation within the organisation they are advising and representing.”
The ceremony took place at the Escuela Superior de Relaciones Públicas de la Universidad de Barcelona (ESRP).
IPRA World Congress
Later, Dr. Amybel Sánchez spoke about the IPRA World Congress 27-29 September Johannesburg, South Africa. “The Congress has a theme about leadership. And you are the leaders of the XXIst century” she told the graduates. Congress booking is at:http://ipra.org/congress