IPRA membership gives you 20% off PR books: a new book covers the basics in the challenging world of PR today
5 years, 5 months ago
As part of our commitment to offer relevant Member Services, IPRA has established an agreement with the publisher Routledge. Under this agreement we offer our members a 20% discount on a selection of books on Public Relations written by renowned authors and covering a wide range of topics including global PR, international relations, social media, cross-cultural PR and much more.
It is even better when we can announce a book by one of our own members. In this case it is The PR Knowledge Book by Sangeeta Waldron. Irrespective of where you are in the world or what type of organization you are, this book covers everything. From how to create a brand, to social media, to how to be newsworthy, to contacting the media, having a global mind-set, measurement, and more. Written in an easy style, packed with powerful tips, proven tools, and real-life case studies from around the world. In 12 chapters you will discover how to get your brand out there so you can attract clients and new business
You can find The PR Knowledge Book and where to buy it, and the Routledge-IPRA page at this link on the IPRA website.
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