Eeva-Liisa Vallin made an IPRA Member Emeritus
4 months, 4 weeks ago
The IPRA Board has voted to bestow the honour of Member Emeritus upon Eeva-Liisa Vallin. Eeva-Liisa has been a member of IPRA since 1991 and has unfailingly been a judge for the Golden World Awards almost every year since.
Eeva-Liisa Vallin is Finnish and has served as communications director in a number of Finland-based, international companies. She previously taught communications at a university of applied sciences. She is the owner of a PR agency and an active member of Finnish press organisations. She worked for many years with business marketing communications, PR and journalism. She is a graduate of Tampere University.
Under the IPRA constitution Member Emeritus is a title accorded to those members who have distinguished themselves by service to the Association and/or the profession over a sustained period of time. They have free, lifetime membership.
International Public Relations Association Secretariat
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