Amybel Sánchez de Walther elected President of IPRA for year 2015
11 years ago
After being a member of International Public Relations Association (IPRA) for over 8 years and the Representative for Latam since 2010, Dr. Amybel Sánchez de Walther- a well-known Peruvian public relations professional- was elected President of IPRA for term 2015, the year of the 60th anniversary of the prestigious association.
With a PhD in Communications and Public Relations, Dr. Sánchez de Walther is the current director of the Research Institute of theProfessional School of Communication Sciences of Universidad de San Martín de Porres (Lima-Peru), one of the main universities to foster the specialization in Latin America.
Her wide experience in the academic field enabled her to contribute with several associations worldwide as a member of jury in themes related to communications. Among her main researches and publications stands out: ´Social Evolution of Public Relations in Peru: Academic and Professional Context of Organizational Communication´.
Dr. Amybel Sánchez de Walther will take office on January 2015 and will take up her duties of ´Chair Elect´ during the present year in cooperation with the administration of current Chair of IPRA, Zehra Güngör (2014).
Thus, she becomes the first Latin America executive director to commit herself to promote the ethical development of Public Relations across the five continents.