Barbara Burns In Memoriam
4 months, 2 weeks ago
IPRA pays its respects to Barbara Burns who has died at the age of 90. Barbara joined IPRA in 1976. Born in New Jersey she moved to New York and worked in advertising and public relations for a number of firms in the US, in Brazil and in France. She was Senior VP at RuderFinn before establishing her own firm Barbara Burns International. She was an IPRA Council member for many years and chaired a number of committees.
But for most of us in IPRA she is known for one key representative activity. Barbara was our voice to the United Nations in New York from 1976 to 2023 and thus helped to raise the profile, dignity and reach of the International Public Relations Association in the eyes of the United Nations for half a century. She turned up to every meeting, got herself on UN coordinating committees and even secured IPRA a workshop on fake news at the UN’s 2019 meeting in Salt Lake City. Barbara was not the sort of person to whom you said no.
She was made an IPRA Member Emeritus in 2019 and given a unique Certificate of Recognition on her retirement in 2023.
Barbara Burns FIPRA
1934 – 2024
International Public Relations Association Secretariat
United Kingdom
Telephone +44 1634 818308
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