Arturo J. Jesurun in Memoriam
14 years, 8 months ago
He joined the association in 1962 and was one the members who met in Athens in 1965, when the first copy of our code of ethics –the Code of Athens – was presented to the Greek Minister of Culture.
In 1984, he succeeded Göran SJÖBERG as IPRA President. From that time on, he made it one of his top priorities to be a spokesman for Latin America in IPRA, and for IPRA in Latin America. He remained one of the leading personalities in public relations in the region, and contributed greatly to the public relations world congress in Punta del Este, Uruguay, in 1994, where the quality management issues were one of the highlights in the program. Until the last week of his life, he actively took part in the discussions on how to make the 2010 world congress in Lima, Peru, a successful meeting between cultures and regions.
Arturo also participated actively in IPRA Board and Council meetings on several continents and served as a jury member for the IPRA Golden World Awards for Excellence in Public Relations. He very much deserved the distinction of IPRA Member Emeritus.
Many clients from his 60 years of service in the communications world will remember a fine, low-key gentleman with a clear sense for results and a subtle sense of humour. His many friends in IPRA will remember his constant devotion to the association and his friendly and generous personality as well as the positive atmosphere he and his wife Doreen always created. Arturo Jesurun will be long remembered by us all.