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Viewing posts from November, 2022

Press Room

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Invitation to an IPRA webinar on The digital era: is traditional PR dying? 8 December

I am pleased to invite you to the next in the series of IPRA Thought Leadership webinars. The webinar The digital era: is traditional PR dying? will be presented by Mohammed El Batta on Thursday 8 December 2022 at 12.00 GMT/UCT (unadjusted).

Anne-Gret Iturriaga Abarzua announced as IPRA President 2023

The Board of the International Public Relations Association (IPRA) is delighted to announce that Anne-Gret Iturriaga Abarzua is President elect 2023. 

An invitation to shape input for Climate Change Communication

Today, 6 November 2022, the leaders of the world come together with representatives from business and civil society in the Egyptian coastal city of Sharm el-Sheikh for the largest gathering this year on climate action at COP27. Can the world keep up momentum in the face of a growing energy crisis and a war in Europe? Extreme weather events and record greenhouse gas concentrations underscore the urgency to deliver on the Paris Agreement to limit global warming to 2°C or below.

Message from the IPRA President:  Time to look ahead  November 2022

Hello from Tokyo. We experienced a heatwave this summer in Tokyo, partly due to global warming. However, now the weather has turned around and it's a beautiful autumn in Japan.

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