Viewing posts from July, 2020
Press Room
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PR campaigns on healthy eyes and saving the Siberian Tiger join the winners of the 2020 IPRA Golden World Awards
in Press Release 4 years, 7 months ago

The IPRA Golden World Awards for Excellence (GWA): the world’s most prestigious PR awards scheme, announces a total of 80 winners for 2020. Many entries tackled health issues including responses to covid-19, while conserving tuna stocks featured in Japan, and Hungary imagined a world without waste.
Message from the IPRA President: You are (NOT) on mute July/August 2020
in Press Release 4 years, 7 months ago

"You are on mute" is a phrase we often hear, experience, or even sense in our online covid-19 influenced daily lives. It is also a situation that sometimes is painfully close to the realities of public relations. How many times have we tried to design campaigns, programmes and activities that for one reason or another have remained on mute? Well, here is today’s good news and it comes directly from the second round of this year's IPRA GWA judging.