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Viewing posts from December, 2014

Press Room

IPRA's latest news and notifications

Message from Zehra Güngör, IPRA President 2014

My theme for this year is “empathy”. As President I have empathy for all IPRA members across the globe. And I want to suggest all IPRA members have empathy for each other, their colleagues, and their clients.

Farewell statement of IPRA President 2014

Every beginning has an end; every duty requires a change of the guard. This year has come to an end in the blink of an eye as far as I am concerned, and it is time to hand on my responsibilities.

X Anniversary International PR Forum will take place in Kazakhstan

IPRA and Public Relations community stakeholders of Kazakhstan are delighted to announce and invite all IPRA members to join the X Anniversary International PR Forum that will take place on June 3-5, 2014 in the picturesque city of Almaty.

Egypt's Tourism Minister Receives IPRA President's Award

Egypt's Tourism Minister, Hisham Zaazou, was today recognised by IPRA 2013 President, Christophe Ginisty as the recipient of the 2013IPRA President's Award.

Message from IPRA President 2014

In 2014 I will be focusing on member relations and the recruitment of new members for IPRA. 2014 will be a year of “empathy” for IPRA.

Message of IPRA President, December 2014

Communication could be described as the art of collecting. It is about collecting relations, it is about collecting knowledge and it is about collecting friendships.

Welcome to IPRA


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