Alastair Campbell to give a keynote speech at the IPRA Central & Eastern Europe Conference
11 years, 6 months ago
The former British Prime Minister Tony Blair’s spokesman, press secretary and director of communications and strategy will give the keynote speech at the regional IPRA conference “Unleashing the power of smart communications”, which will take place in Sofia, Bulgaria on the 6th of November. The conference, organized by Bulgarian communications consultancy United Partners, will cover trending topics for communications and marketing professionals from the transition public relations is undergoing to digital and regional challenges that marketers and communicators are facing in a world of change.
A new chapter of the International Public Relations Association for Central & Eastern Europe will be launched at the summit.Alastair Campbell will also join the opening panel “The Power of communications in a world of change”, Christophe Ginisty, 2013 IPRA President will focus on the power of crowd beliefs, emotions and activism in the Reputation Management. International professionals from Procter and Gamble, IBM, MSLGROUP, etc, will add their experience and talent to what promises to be a memorable day. The latest agenda is available at the conference’s website
The event bring together top leaders from the marcom sector in Central & Eastern Europe, representatives of foreign diplomatic circles in Bulgaria, and the media. "I am very pleased to have been asked to speak at an event for communication professionals from Central and Eastern Europe. It is my first visit to Bulgaria since it joined the European Union and I am looking forward to a discussion of communications issues currently defined by the pace of change”, Alastair Campbell commented on the upcoming conference.
Registration for the conference is now open with an early bird discount of 20%. For more information on conference topics, speakers and travelling arrangements check or contact [email protected]. The latest updates are also available onFacebook and Twitter.
Alastair Campbell:
Alastair Campbell is a writer, communicator and strategist best known for his role as former British Prime Minister Tony Blair’s spokesman, press secretary and director of communications and strategy. Still active in Labour politics, he now splits his time between writing, speaking, charitable fundraising, politics and campaigns.
IPRA is the only international association for individual membership of specialists in “Public relations” sphere. The Association provides the opportunity for networking between large number of top managers and specialists in the area of business, education, non-government organizations and social communications from more than 100 countries all over the world. IPRA has more than 50 years of experience in stimulating professional development. IPRA is the creator and organizer of the Golden World Awards for Excellence besides.
United Partners:
Since its foundation in 1997 United Partners Ltd. is one of the best specialized public relations agencies in Bulgaria. P&G, IBM, Johnson Wax, ING Life Insurance and Pension Insurance, Nestle, Enira, KARE Design, are among our clients. The agency has been awarded nationally and internationally for its exclusive services and campaigns during the years. Being an affiliate of a few specialized PR networks and thanks to their experience and support, as well as to the great UP team, United Partners offers its clients an in-depth analysis, strategic approach and excellence in implementing their campaigns. Serving the clients according to the worldwide standards and ethics of public relations is a value the UP team perceives as well.