2021 IPRA Golden World Awards entries hit record levels
3 years, 8 months ago
The pandemic may not be over, but PR is back. This is the message being sent loud and clear by the global public relations industry keen to showcase the very best of their work. The IPRA Golden World Awards for Excellence (GWA), the world’s most prestigious PR awards competition, has just closed its entry window for 2021. And entries have surged not only above the tough year of 2020 but to reach a 5-year record.
Among the most popular categories were corporate responsibility, digital creativity, and internal communications. Campaigns focusing on covid-19 were a feature of the healthcare category.
“This year we were expecting an upturn in entries as companies emerged from recession,” explains Philip Sheppard, IPRA’s Secretary General. "But we did not expect to be reaching record levels in the competition’s 21-year history.”
The entries now face round one judging under the scrutiny of an international panel of 43 experts. The judges will assess each entry on five criteria: problem or opportunity, research, planning, execution, and outcome. After making a shortlist, finalists provide extra detail and then the judges choose the winners in the competition’s 37 categories. Winners will be announced at the end of July.
Two special awards will also be made. Along with the Global Contribution Award for PR with an objective of meeting one of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, there is a Grand Prix for the best PR programme of 2021.
Background to IPRA
IPRA, the International Public Relations Association, is the leading global network for Public Relations professionals. Membership is individual not corporate. It aims to further the development of open communication and the ethical practice of public relations. IPRA fulfils this aim through networking opportunities, its code of conduct and intellectual leadership of the profession. IPRA is the organiser of the annual Golden World Awards for excellence – PR's global awards scheme. With 60 years of experience, IPRA, recognised by the United Nations, is now present throughout the world wherever public relations are practised. IPRA welcomes all those within the profession who share its aim and who wish to be part of the IPRA worldwide fellowship. For more information please visit: www.ipra.org
Background to the Golden World Awards for Excellence.
The annual IPRA Golden World Awards (GWA) initiative, established in 1990, recognizes excellence in public relations practice worldwide in a variety of categories. Recipients of the award take particular pride in the recognition granted to their entry as meeting international standards of excellence in public relations. An overall IPRA Grand Prix for Excellence is presented each year to the entry judged as representing the highest standards that year. While there are many national and regional PR awards, there is only one truly global scheme: the GWA.
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