PR in times of crisis – From austerity to opportunity

15 years, 5 months ago


Maria Gergova looks forward excitedly to the IPRA Summit and Golden World Awards ceremony taking place at the end of this month.

The annual IPRA Summit. This event presents an excellent opportunity for all IPRA members and friends to get together, to hear about the latest trends in the PR industry, to discuss PR issues and topics that are of interest to them, to reload with fresh ideas, to find new business partners and maybe also new friends.

The topic of the upcoming summit is related to one of the hot issues of the year – the raging financial crisis and, respectively, the challenges and the opportunities faced by PR experts: PR in times of crisis – From austerity to opportunity.

Finding the answers

We do not want to give up. Despite the fact that PR budgets have been cut, we once again are looking for the answers as to how to become better with lower budgets; how to achieve better results and whether the digital environment and the high-speed increase in the number of Internet users does not present us with opportunities for lower budget, more effective and more targeted campaigns.

We have tried to bring together PR and media experts who will present different perspectives:

1. Representatives of the big corporations – their perspective will be presented by world-known high-tech companies such as IBM, Sony, T-Mobile
2. Representatives of leading PR agencies such as Ketchum, MS&L, Edelman, Fleishman-Hillard
3. Representatives of the PR industry analyzers – authors of books, brochures, guides
4. Representatives of new media – BBC interactive news, Holmes Report
5. Representatives of new markets – Ukraine made quite an impression with a project running for this year’s best e-campaign competition
6. Representatives of the IPRA board

We hope that this diverse panel of experts will open new horizons for all of you, will give you new ideas, will charge you with positive energy and will provide answers to all your questions.

You can register for the IPRA Summit here.

The best awards

The second reason to look forward to the end of October is the annual prize ceremony for the IPRA Golden World Awards for Excellence! Awards for the best in the PR industry! The best in the world!

And in order to make this event extraordinary, exciting and unforgettable, we have prepared a very interesting program – a program which guarantees a true celebration. Let’s celebrate with the excellent experts in the PR industry! Together with the longstanding excellent music of ABBA. Mamma Mia! ranked as number 1 movie soundtrack in the annual Billboard chart. This inspired us to invite the best existing ABBA touring show – Arrival from Sweden – so that we can celebrate the success of the best PR experts in the world.

What could be better than combining the best PR campaigns with the best music?

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The Author

Maria Gergova

Maria Gergova is IPRA President 2009 and managing director of United Partners, Bulgaria.

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