PR Books
Books for PR Practitioners
IPRA has an arrangement with the publisher Routledge to offer discounts on a selection of PR related books to its members.
As part of our commitment to offer relevant Member Services, IPRA has established an agreement with the publisher Routledge. Under this agreement we offer our members a 20% discount on a selection of books on Public Relations written by renowned authors and covering a wide range of topics including global PR, international relations, social media, cross-cultural PR and much more.
Simply follow this link to the IPRA landing page on the Routledge website and make your selection, paying the publisher directly at the special IPRA prices.
Books from IPRA Members
IPRA is proud when its members are book authors and delighted to offer a special members price.
Public Relations Planning: A Practical Guide for Strategic Communication
By: Edward T. Vieira, Jr. and Yulong Li
This book provides students with an in-depth understanding of the steps involved in planning and executing a successful PR campaign. Taking a strategic approach to the subject, the authors bring years of practical experience to the project, helping students see how theoretical elements fit together in reality, and preparing them for the workplace. At the same time, the book goes beyond an introductory discussion of the theory of PR planning, incorporating material from cutting-edge research in the field, the impact of COVID-19, and the role of artificial intelligence in strategic communication.
Strategic Public Relations Leadership
By: Anne Gregory and Paul Willis
Public relations professionals must be able to clearly articulate and demonstrate their own contribution to organisational effectiveness. This textbook provides public relations leaders with a framework to do this, as well as a checklist of essential capabilities which they must acquire and exhibit if they are to operate at the highest levels of any organisation. This short textbook is suitable for aspiring practitioners, MBA and other masters qualifications in public relations - especially for those students who wish to pursue a successful career as a professional PR specialist able to operate strategically at the top of successful organisations.
The PR Knowledge Book
By: Sangeeta Waldron
Irrespective of where you are in the world or what type of organization you are, this book covers everything. From how to create a brand, to social media, to how to be newsworthy, to contacting the media, having a global mind-set, measurement, and more. Written in an easy style, packed with powerful tips, proven tools, and real-life case studies from around the world. In 12 chapters you will discover how to get your brand out there so you can attract clients and new business
The Complete Step-By-Step Content Writing Handbook
By: Jane Stokes
This hand-sized manual shows you how to combine brand marketing with journalism skills, a combination that is tricky to achieve for practitioners in public relations, communications, and marketing. Click on the book to purchase.
Public Relations in Hyper-globalization Essential Relationship Management - A Japan Perspective
By: Takashi Inoue
Public relations is the essential skill top leaders need to inspire and motivate globalized stakeholders, survive crisis, and take advantage of rapid technological and social change in today’s hyper-globalization. Embedding this book’s ethics-based "self-correction model" assures governance to navigate a rapidly changing global environment. The book’s unique strategic PR Life-Cycle Model brings the power of PR to achieve goals fast, economically, and consistently. Go to the Routledge page above to purchase.

Latest Ipra ITL:

ITL #619 Managing emerging global risks: where strategic communications comes in

ITL #618 The ‘Campaignification’ of the Global South: the need for a new approach

ITL #617 Sport partnerships: prepare well and play hard

ITL #616 Strategic health communication: bridging public relations and global crisis management